Audre Lorde
"A Black Feminist Lesbian Mother Poet"

Audre Lorde was born in 1934 on February 18, she was Caribbean-American originally from New York City. A very passionate woman who excelled in many things throughout her life. Not only was she a radical feminist, but she also was a civil rights activist. Her most notable efforts was her work in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirited, trans*, and gender nonconforming (LGBTSTGNC) community. Lorde was married to Edwin Rollins, and she self-identified herself as bisexual. She was an activist for queer causes in several ways. For example, she used her poetry and literature to bring awareness to the problems that the LGBTSTGNC community faced along with people of color. Although Lorde passed away on November 17, 1992, her fight for equality within these communities continues. Audre Lorde left behind an entire foundation known as The Audre Lorde Project (ALP). ALP is a Community Organizing Center for LGBTSTGNC people of color. This foundation was first created in 1994 and its main purpose was to serve as a multi-racial network of gay men of color and the impact that HIV had on this community. Since then, ALP has evolved to focus on an many issues that queer people of color face. Audre Lorde dedicated both her life and her creative talent to confronting and addressing the injustices of racism, homophobia, misogyny and patriarchy. The main focus of her organization was to reach out to people and empower them to make a change! Members of the queer community, including Audre Lorde herself, have been fighting for the right to marry who they love, and have been making a change in the world!

Want to contribute to the "ALP" ?

There are multiple ways in which you can contribute to The Audre Lorde Project both physically and financially.It is important to contribute to this organization because by doing so, you can help raise awarness to the conflicts faced by the LGBT community and people of color.


  • Now that you know about this organiation inform others about it as well! The more people who know the more we can make a change in society because everyone has the right to family and marriage regardless of how they identify themselves.


  • Audre Lorde has two offices located in Manhattan and Brooklyn. This means that it's extremely easy to physially particiapte in their events.

    (Click here to see The Audre Lorde event calender)

  • If you can't contribute your time you can always contribute spare change! The Audre Lorde Project excepts all kinds of donations! Click on the picture above to make a dontation today.

    "Life is very short and what we have to do must be done in the now." -Audre Lorde