Article 16
Grants the right for men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

Gay marriage is finally legalized in the United States. Yet it is sad that it took this long for this to happen. What's even worse is that some states are still finding loopholes to go against this law. Everyone has the right to be happy with whomever they want and create a family with whomever they choose to! Nonetheless, no one should be discriminated for doing so. Gay marriage is still a hard concept for many people to fathom which is why we want to spread awareness. We are all equal in society and should be treated as such. Same-sex couples should be guaranteed the same rights. After all doesn't our nation stand for equality and acceptance? Over all, love is something that should be celebrated not discriminated, which is why everyone has the right to Article 16 ! Explore the site and see all the different ways you can contribute to ensuring that Article 16 is being granted in the United States and influencing other countries as well !

Click on the portrait of Audre Lorde to see how people just like you are making a change and fighting for the rights of gay marriage.

People are still being denied of Article 16, the right to marriage and family in the United States. To make matters worse, there are countries throughout the world that have not addressed this issue. In Fact, some people are even being murdered due to their sexuality. There are many activist who have realized how many people are being denied this right. A change needs to be done and you my friend can help be apart of the change!

Click on the spinning globe to see where else around the world gay marriage is not being addressed.

Love should be celebrated NOT discriminated